Platinum-group elements (PGE), Re, Ni, Cu, Ag and Cd variations along the Reykjanes Ridge and Iceland South-West Neovolcanic Rift Zone, from 50°N to 65°N: Implications on sulfide bearing PGE mantle source heterogeneities and partial melting effects

Schilling, Jean-Guy; SCOPUS: 7102852777
Kingsley, Richard H
We report on the concentrations of platinum group elements (PGE), Re, Ag and Cd in 53 tholeiitic basalts and one picrite from the Reykjanes Ridge and its extension over Iceland. The purpose is to investigate sulfide bearing PGE mantle source heterogeneities and partial melting effects. Included is: 1) Supplementary information on the PGE Analytical Method used, and 2) a PGE multi inter-laboratory comparison on the URI EN26 10D-3 MORB reference standard
How to cite this dataset:
Schilling, J., Kingsley, R. H., 2017. Platinum-group elements (PGE), Re, Ni, Cu, Ag and Cd variations along the Reykjanes Ridge and Iceland South-West Neovolcanic Rift Zone, from 50°N to 65°N: Implications on sulfide bearing PGE mantle source heterogeneities and partial melting effects, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). Accessed 2025-02-09.
DOI Creation Date:
Jean-Guy Schilling and Richard H. Kingsley, 2017, Platinum-group elements (PGE), Re, Ni, Cu, Ag and Cd variations along the Reykjanes Ridge and Iceland South-West Neovolcanic Rift Zone, from 50°N to 65°N: Implications on sulfide bearing PGE mantle source heterogeneities and partial melting effects. Research Gate/Schilling, Working Paper, 21 pages
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States [CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0]
Coverage Scope: Regional (Continents, Oceans)
Geographic Location: Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland
User Contributed Keyword(s):
MORB, PGE, mantle sources and heterogeneities
Bounding Coordinates:
North: 65     South: 50.46     East: -19.155     West: -35.4
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