Volcanic gas emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment of the Northern Volcanic Zone (CAS-NVZ)

Lages, Joao Pedro
Chacón, Zoraida
Burbano, Viviana
Meza, Luisa
Arellano, Santiago
Liuzzo, Marco
Giudice, Gaetano
Aiuppa, Alessandro
Bitetto, Marcello
López, Cristian
We here report new volcanic MultiGAS ground-based in-situ measurements of SO2, H2S, CO2, air temperature, relative humidity and pressure, and calculated volatile fluxes for Nevado del Ruiz, Galeras and Puracé, located in the Colombian Arc Segment of the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone.
How to cite this dataset:
Lages, J. P., Chacón, Z., Burbano, V., Meza, L., Arellano, S., Liuzzo, M., Giudice, G., Aiuppa, A., Bitetto, M., López, C., 2019. Volcanic gas emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment of the Northern Volcanic Zone (CAS-NVZ), Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). https://doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/111393. Accessed 2025-02-14.
DOI Creation Date:
Lages, J., Chacón, Z., Burbano, V., Meza, L., Arellano, S., Liuzzo, M., Giudice, G., Aiuppa, A., Bitetto, M. and López, C., 2019. Volcanic Gas Emissions Along the Colombian Arc Segment of the Northern Volcanic Zone (CAS‐NVZ): Implications for volcano monitoring and volatile budget of the Andean Volcanic Belt. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(11), pp.5057-5081.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International [CC-BY-SA-4.0]
Funding source(s):
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Deep Carbon Observatory/DECADE project; UniPa-CiW subcontract 10881-1262
Coverage Scope: Regional (Continents, Oceans)
Geographic Location: South America; Andean Volcanic Belt; Northern Volcanic Zone; Colombian Arc Segment (CAS); Colombia
User Contributed Keyword(s):
Arc volcanism; Volcanic gas composition; Volatile fluxes; Volatile recycling; Along-arc CO2/ST and sediment composition.
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