Volumetric evolution of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions during incremental heating

Drignon, Melissa J; ORCID: 0000-0003-0978-4414
Arbaret, Laurent; ORCID: 0000-0003-4904-9035
Cluzel, Nicolas; ORCID: 0000-0002-2171-8789
Nielsen, Roger L; ORCID: 0000-0001-5042-8222
Bodnar, Robert J; ORCID: 0000-0002-3549-2071
We present a database detailing the volumetric evolution of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions during incremental heating on a heating stage. The heating experiments were designed to induce volumetric re-equilibration. At ~40°C above the temperature at which the daughter minerals melted, irreversible volume expansion lowered the pressure in the melt inclusions, and led to exsolution of CO2 into vapor bubbles. With each additional few degrees of heating, additional episodes of CO2 exsolution, bubble nucleation and expansion of the vapor bubbles occurred. Re-equilibration of melt inclusions in plagioclase occurred through a combination of ductile and brittle deformation of the host surrounding the nelt inclusions. The volumetric evolution of the vapor bubbles and melt inclusions were estimated from both microtomography (3D) and photographs (2D).
How to cite this dataset:
Drignon, M. J., Arbaret, L., Cluzel, N., Nielsen, R. L., Bodnar, R. J., 2020. Volumetric evolution of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions during incremental heating, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). https://doi.org/10.26022/IEDA/111762. Accessed 2025-02-09.
DOI Creation Date:
Drignon, M.J., Arbaret, L., Cluzel, N., Nielsen, R.L., Bodnar, R.J. (in press). Experimentally induced volumetric re-equilibration of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International [CC-BY-SA-4.0]
Funding source(s):
National Science Foundation: 1634206
National Science Foundation: 1634211
Coverage Scope: Global
Geographic Location: Blanco Transform Fault
User Contributed Keyword(s):
plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions, volumetric re-equilibration, microtomography, heating stage experiments
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