Chiama, Kristen
Gabor, Morgan
Lupini, Isabella
Rutledge, Randolph
Nord, Julia A
Zhang, Shuang
Boujibar, Asmaa
Bullock, Emma S
Walter, Michael J
Lehnert, Kerstin
Spear, Frank
Morrison, Shaunna
Hazen, Robert M
Geochemical data on garnet mineral samples from the EarthChem data portal.
EarthChem Download: Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019 6:30:33 pm
Search criteria: mineral name = garnet
How to cite this dataset:
Chiama, K., Gabor, M., Lupini, I., Rutledge, R., Nord, J. A., Zhang, S., Boujibar, A., Bullock, E. S., Walter, M. J., Lehnert, K., Spear, F., Morrison, S., Hazen, R. M., 2021. Garnet mineral geochemistry data download from the EarthChem Portal August, 2019. , Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). Accessed 2025-02-09.
Chiama, K., Gabor, M., Lupini, I., Rutledge, R., Nord, J. A., Zhang, S., Boujibar, A., Bullock, E. S., Walter, M. J., Lehnert, K., Spear, F., Morrison, S., Hazen, R. M., (2020): GARNET: A COMPREHENSIVE, STANDARDIZED DATABASE OF GARNET GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSES INTEGRATING PROVENANCE AND PARAGENESIS, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol 52, No. 6
Chiama, K., Rutledge, R., Gabor, M., Lupini, I., Hazen, R. M., Zhang, S., et al. (2020): Garnet: a comprehensive, standardized, geochemical database incorporating locations and paragenesis. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
User Contributed Keyword(s):
garnet, mineral, geochemistry