Collection of hydrothermal vent fluid chemistry data from Juan de Fuca Ridge, Endeavor - Raw and end-member data for major, minor, and trace species, transition metals, rare earth elements, nutrients, dissolved gases, and isotopes of He, B, Fe, and Os. This file is just one part of a much larger effort (VentDB) to make available to the scientific community as much hydrothermal ridge vent chemistry data as possible (for a list of all the VentDB related data collections available, search the EarthChem Library for the term “VentDB”). For more information about this compilation, please see “Explanatory Notes and Master Chemical Item Spreadsheet for the VentDB Data Collections housed in the EarthChem Library” (M. Mottl), available at www.earthchem.org/library.
How to cite this dataset:
Mottl, M. J., 2012. VentDB: Juan de Fuca Ridge, Endeavor, Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry Data Collection. Butterfield (1994), Klinkhammer (1994), Lilley (2003), Sharma (2000), Sharma (2001), You (1994), Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).
https://doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/100212. Accessed 2025-02-14.
Butterfield, D.A., R.E. McDuff, M.J. Mottl, M.D. Lilley, J.E. Lupton, and G.J. Massoth (1994), Gradients in the composition of hydrothermal fluids from the Endeavour segment vent field: phase separation and brine loss, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 9561-9583
Klinkhammer, G.P., H. Elderfield, J.M. Edmond, and A. Mitra (1994), Geochemical implications of rare earth element patterns in hydrothermal fluids from mid-ocean ridges, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58, 5105-5113
Lilley, M.D., D.A. Butterfield, J.E. Lupton, and E.J. Olson (2003), Magmatic events can produce rapid changes in hydrothermal vent chemistry, Nature, 422, 878-881
Sharma, M., G.J. Wasserburg, A.W. Hofmann, and D.A. Butterfield (2000), Osmium isotopes in hydrothermal fluids from the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 179, 139-152
Sharma, M., M. Polizzotto, and .D. Anbar (2001), Iron isotopes in hot springs along the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 194, 39-51
You, C.-F., D.A. Butterfield, A.J. Spivack, J.M. Gieskes, T. Gamo, and A.J. Campbell (1994), Boron and halide systematics in submarine hydrothermal systems: effects of phase separation and sedimentary contributions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 123, 227-238
User Contributed Keyword(s):
Hydrothermal Vent, VentDB, Chemistry, Major Elements, Trace Elements, Isotopes, Rare Earth Elements, R2K (Ridge 2000) funded