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Birner, S. K., Cottrell, E., Warren, J. M., Kelley, K. A., and Davis, F. A., (2018), “Peridotites and basalts reveal broad congruence between two independent records of mantle fO2 despite local redox heterogeneity.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 494: 172–189;
Davis, F. A., and Cottrell, E., (2018), “Experimental investigation of basalt and peridotite oxybarometers: Implications for spinel thermodynamic models and Fe3+ compatibility during generation of upper mantle melts.” American Mineralogist, 103(7): 1056–1067;
Davis, F. A., and Cottrell, E., (2021), “Partitioning of Fe2O3 in peridotite partial melting experiments over a range of oxygen fugacities elucidates ferric iron systematics in mid-ocean ridge basalts and ferric iron content of the upper mantle.” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176(9): 67;
Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, F.A. Davis, and J.M. Warren, 2024, Deep, hot, ancient melting recorded by ultralow oxygen fugacity in peridotites. Nature, 631 (8022): 801-807