Kimberlite melt-mantle interactions, facies-specific diamond grade, and the inferred age of Kaapvaal continental lithosphere

Linzmeyer, Taryn
Day, James MD; ORCID: 0000-0001-9520-3465
Alonso-Perez, Raquel; ORCID: 0000-0002-6554-4557
Phahla , Theo Phahla
Wolmarans , Anton Wolmarans
Rogers, Andrew
This dataset contains geochemical data for kimberlites, mantle xenoliths, and carbonate dykes from Cullinan kimberlite pipe, South Africa. Included are major and trace element data (Tables 1 and 2), as well as Re-Os isotopic abundances and highly siderophile element (HSE: Re, Pd, Pt, Ru, Ir, Os) abundances (Table 3). Also included are trace element standard data (Table 4) and total analytical blanks for HSE data (Table 5).
How to cite this dataset:
Linzmeyer, T., Day, J. M., Alonso-Perez, R., Phahla , T. P., Wolmarans , A. W., Rogers, A., 2025. Kimberlite melt-mantle interactions, facies-specific diamond grade, and the inferred age of Kaapvaal continental lithosphere, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). Accessed 2024-09-07.
DOI Creation Date:
Linzmeyer, T., Day, J.M.D., Alonso-Perez, R., Phahla, T., Wolmarans, A., Rogers, A. (submitted) Kimberlite melt-mantle interactions, facies-specific diamond grade, and the inferred age of Kaapvaal continental lithosphere. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International [CC-BY-SA-4.0]
Funding source(s):
National Science Foundation: 1918322
Coverage Scope: Other
Geographic Location: Cullinan kimberlite pipe, South Africa
User Contributed Keyword(s):
Cullinan, kimberlite, mantle xenoliths, Re-Os, HSE
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