How to cite this dataset:
Scoon, R. N., Costin, G., Mitchell, A. A., 2025. UG2 and UG3 chromite chemical composition, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). Accessed 2025-02-14.
Scoon, R. N., Costin, G., Mitchell, A. A., & Moine, B. (2020). Non-sequential injection of PGE-rich ultramafic sills in the Platreef unit at Akanani, northern limb of the bushveld complex: Evidence from sr and nd isotopic systematics. Journal of Petrology, 61(3).
Scoon, R. N., & Costin, G. (2018). Chemistry, Morphology and Origin of Magmatic-Reaction Chromite Stringers Associated with Anorthosite in the Upper Critical Zone at Winnaarshoek, Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex. Journal of Petrology, 59(8), 1551–1578.
User Contributed Keyword(s):
UG2, UG3, Bushveld, chromite