Elemental compositions, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, and δD of individual olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Vailulu'u and Malumalu, Samoa
Anderson, Olivia E
Jackson, Matthew G
Pamukcu, Ayla S
Rose-Koga, Estelle F
Le Roux, Véronique
Klein, Frieder
Koga, Kenneth T
Gaetani, Glenn A
Price, Allison A
This data set contains new major (EPMA), trace (LA-ICP-MS), and volatile element (SIMS), and 87Sr/86Sr compositions (TIMS) for Samoan olivine-hosted melt inclusions from two Samoan seamounts, Malumalu and Vailulu'u, as well as host olivine major and minor elemental compositions. There are also a few melt inclusions with 143Nd/144Nd data. Volatiles analyzed are H2O, CO2, F, Cl, and S. Melt inclusions contained vapor bubbles, so the total CO2 concentration of the melt inclusion is calculated by combining the CO2 in the vapor bubble (obtained from Raman spectroscopy) and CO2 concentration in the glassy part of the melt inclusion.
How to cite this dataset:
Anderson, O. E., Jackson, M. G., Pamukcu, A. S., Rose-Koga, E. F., Le Roux, V., Klein, F., Koga, K. T., Gaetani, G. A., Price, A. A., 2024. Elemental compositions, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, and δD of individual olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Vailulu'u and Malumalu, Samoa, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).
https://doi.org/10.60520/IEDA/113446. Accessed 2024-12-07.
DOI Creation Date:
Anderson, O.E., Jackson, M.G., Pamukçu, A.S., Rose-Koga, E.F., Le Roux, V., Klein, F., Koga, K.T., Gaetani, G.A., & Price, A.A. (2024). Extensive H2O degassing in deeply erupted submarine glasses inferred from Samoan melt inclusions: The EM2 mantle source is damp, not dry. Chemical Geology, 651, 121979. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.121979
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International [CC-BY-SA-4.0]
Funding source(s):
National Science Foundation:
1736984 National Science Foundation:
1900652 National Science Foundation:
1912931 National Science Foundation:
Coverage Scope: Regional (Continents, Oceans)
Geographic Location: Vailulu'u, Malumalu, Samoa
User Contributed Keyword(s):
volatiles, 87Sr/86Sr, melt inclusions, olivine, hotspot, degassing
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