Clumped isotope calibration dataset for freshwater carbonates

Arnold, Alexandrea J; ORCID: 0000-0001-6287-8458
Mering, John
Santi, Lauren
Román-Palacios, Cristian
Li, Huashu
Petrysyhyn, Victoria
Mitsunaga, Bryce
Elliot, Ben
Wilson, John
Lucarelli, Jamie
Boch, Ronny
Ibarra, Daniel
Li, n
Fan, Majie
Kaufmann, Darrell
Cohen, Andrew
Calibration made with new measurements of freshwater carbonates at UCLA, reprocessed data from CIT (Huntington et al. (2010), Huntington et al. (2015) and Petryshyn et al. (2015)), reprocessed published data from H. Li et al. (2021) and Wang et al (2019). Reprocessed data for reconstructions include Santi et al. (2020) and L. Li et al. (2019).
How to cite this dataset:
Arnold, A. J., Mering, J., Santi, L., Román-Palacios, C., Li, H., Petrysyhyn, V., Mitsunaga, B., Elliot, B., Wilson, J., Lucarelli, J., Boch, R., Ibarra, D., Li, N., Fan, M., Kaufmann, D., Cohen, A., 2024. Clumped isotope calibration dataset for freshwater carbonates, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). Accessed 2025-02-14.
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International [CC-BY-SA-4.0]
Coverage Scope: Global
User Contributed Keyword(s):
clumped isotopes, molluscs, biologically-mediated carbonates, fine-grained carbonates
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