This is the Supplement with full data for GCA article "An Oxygen Fugacity-Temperature-Pressure-Composition Model for Sulfide Speciation in Mercurian Magmas." The Supplement includes the compositional range of experimental silicate melts (Table S1), S speciation unmixing results (Table S2), silicate ternary reproject results (Table S3), normalized S K-edge XAS spectra of silicate melt in experimental samples (Table S4), normalized S K-edge XAS spectra of S mineral endmembers (from Anzures et al. 2020a except TiS from this study).
How to cite this dataset:
Anzures, B. A., Parman, S. W., Milliken, R. E., Namur, O., Cartier, C., McCubbin, F. M., Vander Kaaden, K. E., Prissel, K., Iacovino, K., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., 2024. Experimental modelling of Mercurian magma sulfide speciation, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).
https://doi.org/10.60520/IEDA/113524. Accessed 2025-02-14.
Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C., McCubbin, F.M., Vander Kaaden, K.E., Prissel, K., Iacovino, K., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M., (2025), "An Oxygen Fugacity-Temperature-Pressure-Composition Model for Sulfide Speciation in Mercurian Magmas." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
User Contributed Keyword(s):
Mercury, XANES spectroscopy, Oxygen fugacity, Sulfide saturation, Sulfide speciation