Analysis of Design and Construction Practices in Marsh Creation Projects
This study analyzed the relationship between different factors affecting the efficiency of marsh creation projects. Through a historical analysis of completed marsh creation projects in different basins around Louisiana, it was demonstrated that there is a direct relationship between the percentage of fines in the dredge material and the volume of marsh that can be created with it. A recently completed marsh creation cell, Increment 1 of the Caminada Headlands Back Barrier Marsh Creation Project (BA-171), was also studied to better comprehend the dredge material’s behavior after placement. A combination of Cone Penetrometer Tests (CPT), vibracores, and Multi-Sensor Core Loggers (MSCL-S) was performed in carefully selected sites across the cell.
How to cite this dataset:
Ozdemir, C. E., Ozdemir, C. E., Jafari, N. H., 2024. Analysis of Design and Construction Practices in Marsh Creation Projects, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). Accessed 2025-02-14.
DOI Creation Date:
Gallegos, D., Jafari, N., Ozdemir, C. E., and Boudreaux, J. (2023). "Empirical Model of Sediment Transport and Consolidation in Marsh Creation Projects." Coastal Sediments 2023: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2023, World Scientific, 452-465.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International [CC-BY-SA-4.0]
Funding source(s):
Louisiana Center of Excellence
Coverage Scope: Regional (Continents, Oceans)
Geographic Location: Louisiana, Caminada, Lake Pontchartrain, Calcasieu Lake, Caillou Lake
User Contributed Keyword(s):
Marsh Creation, Geotechnical Engineering, Caminada
Bounding Coordinates:
North: 30.4 South: 29 East: -89.7 West: -93.4
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