Beaver Dam Mountains-Tule Springs Hills-Mormon Mountains Thermochronology - 2015-01-22

Bidgoli, Tandis S
Stockli, Daniel F; SCOPUS: 6603484808
Walker, J Douglas; SCOPUS: 56468420400
This dataset contains apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He data from the Beaver Dam Mountains, Tule Springs Hills, and Mormon Mountains of southwestern Utah and southeastern Nevada. The region is host to three major low-angle structures, the Castle Cliffs, Tule Springs, and Mormon Peak detachments, whose origin and role in regional extension are vigorously debated. We analyzed 36 samples collected from Precambrian basement gneisses and Paleozoic to Jurassic siltstones and sandstones exposed in the footwalls of these detachments. Samples from the Beaver Dam and Mormon mountains were collected earlier by Stockli (1999); samples from the Tule Springs Hills were collected during the course of this study.
How to cite this dataset:
Bidgoli, T. S., Stockli, D. F., Walker, J. D., 2015. Beaver Dam Mountains-Tule Springs Hills-Mormon Mountains Thermochronology - 2015-01-22, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA). Accessed 2025-02-17.
DOI Creation Date:
Bidgoli, T.S., Stockli, D.F., and Walker, J.D., in press, Low-temperature thermochronologic constraints on the kinematic histories of the Castle Cliffs, Tule Springs, and Mormon Peak detachments, southeastern Nevada and southwestern Utah: Geosphere Stockli, D.F., 1999, Regional timing and spatial distribution of Miocene extension in the northern Basin and Range province [Ph.D. thesis]: Stanford, California, Stanford University, 239 pp.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States [CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0]
Coverage Scope: Other
Geographic Location: Basin and Range, Mormon Mountains, Beaver Dam Mountains, Tule Springs Hills
User Contributed Keyword(s):
extension, Basin and Range, low-angle normal fault, detachment fault, (U-Th)/He, thermochronology
Bounding Coordinates:
North: 37.244919     South: 36.916151     East: -113.778249     West: -114.563448
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