The data presented in this paper consist of complete analyses of pyroxenes, plagioclases, and ilmenites from Apollo 11 samples not previously published (however, they were used in figures in the paper by Keil, Bunch, and Prinz, 1970). Since these analyses will be of importance to those persons evaluating Apollo 11 as well as future lunar samples, it was deemed appropriate to make them available to all workers. Some of the analyses listed in the present report total to < 99 or >101 weight percent. It is believed that this is largely due to extreme zoning of the respective minerals and the difficulties in positioning the electron beam to exactly the same spot on the mineral after each run. The sample numbers, methods of preparation and study are presented in Keil, Bunch, and Prinz, 1970. The conclusions drawn from study of these, as well as other minerals, are also presented in that publication. Electron microprobe analyses were made at The University of New Mexico and at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. We greatly appreciate the assistance of Messrs. G. Conrad, J. Erlichman, R. Geitgy, F. Busche, and J. Rasho in the electron microprobe work, and of Mrs. J. Etheridge, Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, and Miss M. Busch in the data reduction. This work is supported in part by NASA contract NAS9-9365 (Klaus Keil, Principal Investigator).
How to cite this dataset:
Bunch, T. E., Keil, K., Prinz, M., 2016. Electron microprobe analyses of pyroxenes, plagioclases & ilmenites from Apollo 11 lunar samples, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).
https://doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/100627. Accessed 2025-01-15.
Bunch, T.E.; Keil, Klaus, Prinz, Martin, (1970), "Electron microprobe analyses of pyroxenes, plagioclases & ilmenites from Apollo 11 lunar samples." Dept. of Geology & Institute of Meteoritics, University of Mexico, Special publication 1